

Life is full. Life, especially in the Western world, is busy. Life is a roller coaster of emotion. It is past, present and future... and sometimes all together in one moment. At times life is what we expect. But more often than not, it is completely different. Life is too much to handle sometimes, right !? Thankfully God can handle it and in fact commands us to leave it to Him. In Matthew 6:32-34 Christ tells us to be faithful to each day as it comes and to seek two simple things : His kingdom and His righteousness.

As I prayed on and pondered what I should write about for the month, March seemed... simple. Nothing extraordinary happened. It is the same old same old. But what is wrong with that ?! Did Christ promise us a life full of action, drama and comedy on a big screen level ? No (but it sure does feel like it sometimes right, haha) ! In fact those moments are only blips in the grande scheme. Most of life consists of the "normal" and "mundane." In worrying about the future and anticipating our big expectations like the dream job, "arriving" spiritually, mariage, a mission trip, family, education, death, vacation, the next big purchase, our "real" calling in life etc. we lose out on the present and we lose out on our calling : seeking God's kingdom and His righteouness.

As an American I am consumed with the future to the detriment of my present. Right now God has called me to this : living in Summit County, Colorado near family, involving myself in the community, working at Le Petit Paris restaurant and glorifying Him in my work and words, attending and serving Rocky Mountain Bible Church, taking steps towards a masters programme at Biola University, speaking into the lives of those within my sphere of influence, making disciples and seeking to become ever more like Christ. It is simple. It is good. And while my eyes are on the horizon of the future, my feet are planted here in the present until God leads elsewhere.

Life is that simple : faithfulness to God's calling where we are, in the present : seek God's kingdom and His righteousness. There we find joy and peace. As we abide in the vine of Christ in this we grow and are fruitful thus accomplishing our calling.

So this post is more about what I've learned this past month than what I have done or what has happened. I hope and pray that we can all learn and grow in living simply.

Praise : 1. I have so far been offered 2/5 of tuition through a grant and low interest loan ! 2. The opportunity to challenge a coworker to accept the gift of salvation 3. Beautiful weather 4. Serving opportunities at church 5. Wise counsellors

Prayer : 1. For at least half of my tuition paid for through mostly grants and scholarships 2. The salvation of my coworkers especially Jake 3. Faithfulness in the present 4. All my needs met for schooling : finances, housing within 5 miles of campus, a job within 5 miles of campus, a church and a group of godly guys 5. Wisdom to recognise God's path to or away from Biola

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