
Lent to Praise

God's hand is in everything. Romans 1:20 tells us that He is evident to every person through creation. Through Christ all of creation is held together we're told in Colossians 1:17. And Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:31 that we're much more important than the sparrows which He takes keen notice of. I am important to God. You are important to God. His hand is in each one of our lives directing it for our good and His praise.

My time Stateside hasn't been the easiest of trials... not that any trial is easy, haha. God's hand has been very heavy upon me, some times more than others. But it's a hand of love, healing, grace, mercy, gentleness, kindness and longsuffering. At first it was a hard hand but it has slowly become sweet. In the midst of trial, God has been immensly gracious to me and has blessed me. I have a job. I have the opportunity to reach out and interact with the francophone community. I have a ministry amongst those God loves : sinners lost and saved. I have a church that loves and cares for me and in which I can serve. I have a great missions organization who loves are cares for me. I have a home thanks to the gracious hospitality of my parents. I am close to my immediate family. I am able to be near my three nieces and developpe a relationship with them. I have friends. I have health. And I've been accepted to Biola University.

With this new information I am reconsidering attending. The determining factor : finances. I will apply for financial aide and see what God provides. Should I have to pay next to nothing then I will see it as an open door. Please pray with me about this !

February has been a month not unlike most. I have been working most days and we've been pretty busy. I am working on an a "letter to the editor" for our local newspaper that has to do with building a train line from Denver International Airport to Vail in order to aliviate the
highway. Two weeks ago I began I discipleship with a guy from church. He's a fairly new believer and I just felt God leading me to reach out and encourage him in his faith.

"God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

The 22nd was Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday but more importantly the day following was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. This holiday is not celebrated much in America but in much of the rest of the world and Europe it is. During this time one fasts from something important as Christ fasted during His temptation in the wildernest for 40 days. This is in self preparation for Easter. It is a time of meditation on Christ's work on the cross and then the celebration of His resurrection on Easter Sunday. I light of that work and in light of the many blessings we have because of His love for us, let us give something up during this time. For Christ gave up the culture of Heaven to live amongst us and gave His life on the cross so that all might live eternally with Him. Let us meditate on that work, on that love. We who believe in Christ as our Savior are free from sin and have a hope and a joy. Those who have not believed have a hope and joy ready in Christ. "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and hope in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13). Let us lend ourselves to thankfulness and praise for the work of Christ in our lives so that we may remain near and draw nearer to Him and avoid the mistake of the unthankful Israelistes who turned from God and from the world (Romans 1:21).

Prayer : 1. Fianances completely or near completely taken care of at Biola if God desires me to attend 2. My ministry here amongst those within my sphere of influence 3. Wisdom and discernement as I write the article 4. The preparation of our hearts for Easter 5. The discipleship

Praise : 1. Acceptance to Biola 2. God's guiding hand and perfect plan 3. Christ's death on the cross for our sins and His resurrection from the dead on the third day

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/3/12 21:52

    Merci pour ce partage Seth.
    A quand un partage en français ? ;)
    Bon courage pour tout !

