
Hello from France !

This past Sunday the Frontier School of the Bible missions team and I parted ways : they continued on to Austria while I stayed in France. Our two weeks together at Camp des Cimes (Camp of the Peaks) went very well ! The team did well and lives were eternally impacted for Christ through the speaking of God's Word, living Christ out in life and being the body of Christ : rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep and building each other up in love.

To take a couple steps backward, the meeting with the Rocky Mountain Bible Church missions committee went very well and I came away challenged and encouraged. We both walked away with a better understanding of one another and a clear vision of what God's general plan for the future looks like. The first step is no step at all : that God has closed the door to me working in JourneyCorps Paris. It's a great ministry and I'm totally behind it, but for me God has other plans. Remember the Proverbes 3:5-6 and 16:9 passages I refered to in my last blog ? So part of the missions committee's recommendation to me was to search out other ministry opportunities after camp since God had opened the door to return to France for a couple weeks. I want to emphasize that in this whole process RMBC has been very good to me and faithful to God : they have sought the will of God for the church, looked out for the best interest of someone who has grown up in the church and has been very insightful. I thank them greatly for all that they have done and are doing as we move forward together.

Back to the present. I'm in Grenoble at the moment and have followed up on contacts I made during my time at camp and others that I already had. Although not much has come to fruition here in Grenoble or elsewhere in France there are a couple encouraging leads. At camp several staff people and a mountain guide who helps often at camp and I began sharing our hearts with one another and discovered that there were common themes running throughout them. We met at the end of camp and fleshed those visions out and are now praying about what God is doing. Another surprise was from a French speaker we had at camp. He put me into contact with a Christian cafe in Dijon that I will go check out on the 4th. From there my plans are to head south and see if I can dig anything up and then back north to Alsace to visit a couple friends, unless an opportunity to see a ministry opens up, and support a friend at his wedding.

For those of you who are supporting me financially I would like to thank you so much ! I am putting support raising on hold until I find that door to ministry God has opened. As always, He has been calling me to France in ministry and so I will indeed need future financial support and would ask that you remain on my financial team in whatever capacity God desires (continue giving, become an inactive donor until I have a ministry I am pursuing, stop giving). If God leads you away from this team I support you fully and may God bless you. If God should have you remain a member of the team I thank you equally as much. Please contact WorldVenture for any changes.

I believe it was William Carey that said, "If there's one thing I have learned to do in this life, it is plod. That I can do very well."
On our three day hike at camp God brought this quote to mind. Steady and surely one goes up and down the mountain. Plodding. Onward. Forward. This is something I can do by the grace of God.

Praise : 1. A great FSB team 2. Unbelievers challenged and surrounded by believers for two weeks 3. French believers encouraged in the faith 4. The open doors God has given 5. What God is doing... even though I don't know what that is

Prayer : 1. An open crushed and humble heart that is soft to God's touch 2. Open eyes to God's steps 3. Contentement in the present 4. Wisdom for the future 5. A job when I return Stateside

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