Hello everyone ! Sorry it's been such a long time since my last update :s Thank you for your faithful intercession on my behalf. I see all around me the fruit of those prayers !
This semester has been just as busy as the previous one and God has been just as faithful. One class is finished and I am currently working on the final two papers for the remaining two classes : a 12 and 20 pager. Next semester I will only be taking two courses as I will only be taking courses that I can pay for upfront from this point on. This will also allow me more time that I can devote to engaging more in my church community and as a representative for WorldVenture on campus, as well as work more hours at Starbucks and take on additional French tutoring sessions.
At Grace Ministries International English Ministry, God has provided me with a great family and plenty of opportunities to grow and serve. Last week God opened the door financially and in my work schedule for me to participate in a church retreat : Tres Dias. It was refreshing and I feel even closer to my church family ! Currently at church, I am going to meetings to become a cell group leader, participating in a singles seminar over the next few weeks, going to early morning prayer (a Korean thing) when I don't work, and should God open the door, go to Korea and Cambodia, a former French colony, on a summer mission trip. I thank God for each opportunity to walk along my brothers and sisters in Christ and serve them to His glory !
At Starbucks things have remained largely unchanged. Although last semester my former manager talked about me becoming a shift supervisor, the current manager is not so open to the idea. While disappointing, I know that God will provide for my financial needs one way or another as He has already done in amazing ways. In the meantime, I have taken the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities. I apply the love and passion God has given me for other cultures, and what I learn in my courses on the job, making our store a place welcoming place between cultures : a third space. My store's clientele base is about 80% Korean, so I have written signs in Korean, help co-workers to be understanding of cultural difference, and God willing, plan on taking Korean lessons this summer. Besides this, God has also given me the opportunity to be the trainer for new employees. I am learning so much about teaching and learning styles ! Relationships with co-workers continue to progress and I have had several opportunities to share the truth of God with them.
I want to reiterate how much of a blessing you have been to me ! Your prayers are greatly appreciated and I only succeed in this California adventure as God sustains and strengthens me through you intercession. Know that I pray for you as well. May God's faithful presence in your life encourage and lift you up as we fight the good fight to win this race and may we practice faithful presence in each others life through prayer and praise so spur one another on to the finish line !
Prayer Requests : 1. Grace and strength to do all things well 2. The words, organization, and time to produce quality papers 3. Relationships at Starbucks 4. To be a godly leader at church 5. To leave every result in God's hand
Praises : 1. A great first year at Biola 2. God's provisions 3. Opportunities to grow and apply myself at church and Starbucks 4. My church family 5. You, my prayer team :)
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