Integral to the United States' victory in the Revolutionary War
Largest and one of the oldest Western European nations
Population : 65 million
Capital : Paris (11 million)
Largest Muslim population of Western Europe... and largest Jewish population of Western Europe.
Christian population... less than 1%. That's about the population size of Wyoming or South Dakota.
50,000 practitioners of the black arts... and 2,300 full-time Christian workers. Of those full-time Christian workers, 1/3 are foreign.
35,000 of 38,000 communes have NO evangelical witness.
In 1940, Christians numbered 60,000. The population was around 4.5 million. In 2000, they numbered 488,000. The population was around 58.5 million. That is an 8% growth of the French population and a 12% growth of the church in 60 years.
In the French church, there are many, many leadership vacancies. Europe is the new dark continent and until recently was virtually "forgetten" in missions. It may be a developed country economically but it is third world spiritually. Saudi Arabia has more believers per capita than France.
Information found from Operation Mobilization's "Operation World" book and Wikipedia