When I reflect on this last month and God's hand in my life I see that in the midst of difficulty, my cup is overflowing with blessing in God's perfect peace. What I want to do in this update is describe to you these blessings through short descriptive phrases in order to highlight God's goodness and a heart overflowing with thanksgiving to my wonderful God.
Found a home church : Korean church Grace International Ministries ! Found another church for evening services : Rock Harbor, when I must work Sunday mornings. Thank you Father ! Peace.
Invitation to go camping with people from a church. Second Starbucks interview. Went well. Thanks God. Waiting... Praying... What are you doing God ? Content in God's perfect will. Hired !!! WOW GOD !!! Start date, after dates for camping ! Thank you again God ! Friend Joni Marble present on camping trip. Nature. Mountains. Beautiful weather. Quiet... Encouraging... Uplifting...
Begin work exactly one month after arriving in California. A bit anxious. Pray. Remembering how to work at Starbucks. First paycheque. Peace. A third French tutoring client ! Thank you Father ! Finally everything out of boxes. Peace. Developing relationships with my colleagues. Opportunities to be a good witness. Pray. The grace to deal with the everyday problems in order for God to be more clearly seen.
Discovered a flatmate was seriously behind rent payments. "Eviction" brought up by appartement complexe office. Frustrated. Angry. Pray. First flatmate loans the one behind on rent, half of the deficiency. Thank you God. What now ? Create a contingency plan. Give it to God. Don't understand. Peace. Met third flatmate. Discovered too he is low on funds. Second flatmate in car accident and low on money. What is going on ?!? God !?! Pray. Peace.

Dropped a Federal Loan. Better to be in God's hands than man's. Enrol for classes at BIOLA. Uncertainty about the sum of the down payment. Pray. Insurance needed in order to enrol. Provided through Starbucks and available in three months. Insufficient. Angry. Frustrated. Confused. Pray. Search for a short-term solution. Found, applied and accepted to a cheap company ! Thank you Lord ! Peace. Enrolled. Down payment of only $619 and another payment of $420 in three instalments before the end of the semester ! God is SO good ! Waiting on Him for all my needs although uncertain how, from where and when. CONFIDENT in God and His faithfulness. PEACE. Hope.
"But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength, I will sing praises to You; for God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness" (Psalm 59:6-7).
Prayer : 1. Open doors to witness at work and tutoring 2. Wisdom and provision in finances for flatmates 3. Financial and lodging provision for me 4. Wisdom and faithfulness with time management especially once classes begin (Aug 29th) 5. To be able to create the time to build my church community : most Sunday mornings off (11:30-13:30), Bible studies etc.
Praises : 1. The camping trip 2. My job at Starbucks 3. Totally moved in 4. Three French tutor clients 5. Enrolled at BIOLA 6. Found a home church 7. God's faithful provision !!!
By the way, my new adresse is : 238 S Basque Ave., Fullterton, CA 92833
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