War. Famine. Pestilence. Poverty. Death. Uprising. Bankruptcy. Austerity meaure. Greed. Riot. Occupy.
Stateside. Long. Stall. Humble. Hard. Battle. Job. Money. Apartement. Studies.
Our world. My world. How can there possibly be peace... or the hope of peace. How can there be hope ??? Nothing is certain in today's world of monumental changes and shifts. Nothing. NOTHING.
But God... Psalm 62:7b says : that God is the Rock of my strength, my refuge. I am weak. But the Rock of Ages, God Almighty, is my strength. I am exposed to this world and unprotected. But God is my sanctuary (in fact, the word used gives the idea of people seeking refuge from their enemies in a church). Think of Quasi Motto "Sanctuary !"
I have found peace in the midst of this world and mine because I am sheltering in God. I continue to fervently yearn to take the Gospel to France but I have found peace where God has me at the moment.
My job at the restaurant is going well and I am improving every week. Thanks to this particular job, God has opened up the door to reach out to some francophones and to co-workers. I feel so blessed because while God has me Stateside right now, He is opening up the doors to continue to minister to the French, practice my French and learn more about French culture ! In fact, I may even have a French flatmate in December ! Each step I take on God's path I become more convinced of this calling thanks to His faithful affirmations.
The search for a second job is still on as I wait for a response from Keystone ski area and from Starbucks. This will allow me to move from my parents house where I will be able to have a place of my own to use for ministry purposes and it will help me to save money to continue my education. Last week I began the application process for Biola's masters programme in intercultural studies. It is a great programme but pricey. In addition to the cost I must also jump through extra hoops in order to be accepted due to the unaccredidation of my BA. God willing I will enter Biola next fall so that I might be better prepared to serve God in missions both in France and locally and to fullfil WorldVenture's requirement of an accredited degree.
I would like to take a moment to thank the great support team that I have behind me. Thanks to my family for your love and support, for your prayers and encouragement ! Thanks to my friends for your love, words of encouragement and wisdom, prayer and financial support ! Thank you to Rocky Mountain Bible Church for your faithfulness in seeking God, for your grace, mercy, though love and prayers and for the financial support given during my first two years in France ! Thank you to WorldVenture for being such a great encouragement, help and sender and for all the things you offer to ensure that I succeed in God's calling ! Thank you to my financial team, those currently on it and those who have been on it, for being faithful to God's calling in your life to be a part of the ministry. Thank you to my prayer team who I can confidently say is worthy of much more thanks than I could possibly imagine ! Only God knows how intrigal you are... Please continue ! Thank you to my missions mentor and my Barnabas team for your wisdom, prayers and encouragement ! Thanks Arno for this great new blog look ! For anyone I missed thank you as well !!!
Prayer : 1. A second job 2. An appartement at $500/month 3. Acceptance to Biola 4. Vision for ministry to the local francophone community 5. Continued growth in Christ through victory
Praises : 1. Job at the French restaurant 2. Ministry opportunities 3. My niece's third birthday ! 4. Possibility of attending Biola 5. God's peace
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