
Time for a new post !

Winter semester is over and the exam out of the way ! Although it was a great class and I profited much from it I am happy to have it behind me :) Monday the 8th I find out my result so please be praying with me that I passed. It was quite harder than anticipated !
Speaking of exams, in signing up for the spring semester pre-uni course I had to pass two entrance exams : an hour long grammatical assessment and a three hour writing test. I passed the grammaire half and will find out the second's result Monday the 1st. Again, I would appreciate your prayers so that I may continue my French studies. If accepted, this semester will prove difficult in a different manner than my previous courses. Being more like regular university classes, they will test and stretch my French to new limits as I will be reading and dissecting litterature, taking notes and writing a 20 page paper... all in French.

Besides school I have been busy as usual with my internship. Recently I was put on schedule to organize and sometimes lead different aspects of the ministry with mentally disabled adults : choose musique, teach and lead prayer. At kids club (the first Wednesday of every month) the other intern and I have been inserted into the teaching cycle and next week I will be teaching on the good Samaritan. The new schedule for preaching and teaching is out for the church and I will be leading a Bible study session, presiding during a service, preaching and Sunday the 7th I teach about God choosing Isaac's wife in kids Sunday school. Mondays are always full with meetings in the morning with the leaders of the church plant, lunch and then questionnaires at the public bus hub near the church. While we haven't seen much interest in the way of spiritual things during the afternoon, we have seen some and for that we praise God ! Just two weeks ago a young Brazilian Disney worker told us she's done with the Catholique Church but realizes she needs something spiritually and we had a great conversation and a promise to visit the church ! Additionally I continue to help part-time with the uni Bible study, occasionally pop into Paris to visit the American Church and try to visit new churches. Needless to say, I am very busy.
Long term, I am preparing for my mission's trip to the Ivory Coast in mid-May. As usual, a trip to Africa means some medical preparation. So I made my first doctor's appointment and visit in France... and all by myself ! My first several calls however were unsuccessful as I did not completely understand the person on the other line. What I could gather is that I needed to go somewhere else or do something else before I could see the particular doctor. So the fourth time I called I laid on a American accent and started off by saying that I was a foreigner and needed an to see a doctor because I was making a trip to Africa. With that I was in. Funny thing here in France with anything medical however is that one is not prescribed one medication that covers most things nor prevents things. Rather, they advise an assortement of medicine. Thus when all was said and done, the doctor commented that I would in essence be a mini pharmacy in Africa : stuff for itching, scratching, allergies, puffing, yellow fever, typhoid... haha. A great cultural experience !

Another praise is the rise of the dollar ! When cost of living is more expensive and the dollar is worth less it becomes like a double whammy financially. At the moment $1= about .721€ ! At the moment this is particularly good for me as my support is down quite a bit. 7 monthly supporters have stopped giving for one reason or another which leaves me short by $475/month and a few other commitments have become a bit more sporadique. Thankfully God has supplemented some of the want with one-time donations, nevertheless I am only receiving 85% of total monthly support. If you have previously given but God has led you elsewhere with your finances I would appreciate it if you could let WorldVenture know so that I have a better idea of where I am financially and thus how to pray. Additionally I thank you so much for the financial support you have given and fully support your decision to follow God away from this project !

Thanks for reading and being a partner in ministry !

Prayer Requests : 1. Pass my exams 2. Advance in my command of the language 3. Preparation for mission's trip to Ivory Coast 4. Financial situation 5. Time management and endurance 6. For those at the church to take ownership
Praises : 1. My new niece Caroline Lemme !!!
2. Her sister Mya has begun to walk ! 3. Three semesters of French down ! 4. My friends in France ! 5. More snow ! 6. Chance to serve God... and in France !!! 7. The growth of the church plant

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